The analysis strategies and the website have been developed by Reform, Norway’s resource centre for men. The sociologist Ole Nordfjell has written the text with assistance from the literature researcher Mia Österlund from Åbo Akademi University in Finland. Reverse has made the illustrations and D-SIGN has designed the website.

The Norwegian institute for children’s books has made their library and large collection books and academic publications available for the project.

Analysis workshops

In cooperation with early childhood teacher educations in each of the Nordic countries, analysis workshops have been held where teachers and students from the University of Akureyri, the University College of Zealand, Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences and the University of Oulu have analysed a sample of new picture books from the country in question to ascertain whether they expand or confirm traditional gender norms. In Sweden, the analysis workshop involved preschool from the municipality of Gävle. The students and preschool teachers have given valuable input to the design of the website. Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir, Gitte Riis Hansen, Eivind Karlsson, Pirjo Suvilehto and Kajsa Svaleryd have especially contributed to the analysis workshops and the website. Auður Magndís Auðardóttir project manager for equality in the department of education and youth in Reykjavik municipality has also given valuable input.

A Nordic project

One of the goals of the project was to give day care staff and students of early childhood education more knowledge about picture books from their own country and other Nordic countries that expand traditional gender patterns. Another goal is to contribute to reflection and knowledge on gender equality in day care using picture books.

The website and the project are funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and is part of the Council’s efforts to achieve equality between the genders. The Norwegian Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion has also contributed to the project.

Contact information

Any questions about the website may be addressed to Norway’s resource centre for men by e-mail,, or telephone, +47 22340950.

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